Alien Skin Denied UK And Canada Visa, Here Is Why


Singer Alien Skin’s dreams are getting shattered day by day after he was denied a United Kingdom and Canada Visa.

People are wondering what really happened as he was one of the most loved artistes months ago.

Alien Skin joined the music industry last year. He was so fast to take over after he got sympathy from the fans when he was beaten by a fellow singer Pallaso.

He had an opportunity to perform with Pallaso on the same stage after the fight in UK but he refused to do their. He said he can’t be on the stage with him.

He was lucky enough that Pallaso stepped down and gave him an opportunity to go without following him to disturb.

Now Alien Skin is facing it rough because it is his time not to go and see how it feels like to be denied a Visa.

The reason for his Visa denial is because of violence that he going on better him and the journalists. The last time he beat up a journalist and failed to apologise for it.

“Alien Skin has been denied a UK and Canada Visa because of violence. He might never come to these countries for such a long time,”


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