In an interview with renowned talk show host, Torrei Hart opened up about her decision to retain her ex-husband Kevin Hart’s last name, even after being divorced for 12 years. The actress and entrepreneur, who shares two children with the comedy superstar, revealed that her choice is rooted in the significant role she played in building the Hart brand from the ground up. Torrei expressed, “I was there from the beginning, building the brand name Hart. It’s not just about the past; it’s about the hard work and dedication I put into making ‘Hart’ a household name.”
Despite the challenges faced during their divorce, Torrei emphasized the positive aspects of her association with the Hart name. She highlighted the success and recognition that the brand has garnered over the years and emphasized her unwavering commitment to the legacy they built together. The actress’s decision to maintain the Hart surname reflects her pride in the accomplishments achieved during her time as Kevin Hart’s partner and her ongoing connection to the brand they cultivated as a couple.
While Torrei acknowledges the personal growth and changes in her life post-divorce, she firmly believes that the name ‘Hart’ is an integral part of her identity. The decision to keep the surname transcends conventional norms, demonstrating a unique perspective on personal branding and legacy. Torrei’s candid revelation sheds light on the complexities of relationships and the lasting impact they can have, not only on individuals but on the identities they create together.