Grace Khan Pushed Out Of Pastor Bugingo’s House


Singer Grace Khan is facing other struggles as she is chased out of Pastor Aloysius Bugingo and Suzan Makula’s home where she has been staying.

Grace Khan was picked by Suzan Makula during one of her trying times. By then she was struggling with drugs and at the same time looking after her two years old baby girl.

There is a rumour making rounds on social media by one of the people that was staying with them at the house.

According to the guy, Grace Khan has been drinking all day and all night and when she comes home she starts abusing and spitting on people that have been helping her.

Grace Khan has had issues with alcohol and drugs even when she was pregnant. She had said that she changed but it looks like she didn’t change in anyway.

Now the singer is now on the streets with her daughter just be because she can’t get it together when it comes to behaving around other people.


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