Is It True That Kojja Kitonsa Bewitched Grace Khan?


Self proclaimed President of prostitutes Bad Black real name Shanita Namuyimbwa has accused herbalist Kojja Kitonsa of bewitching singer Grace Khan.

She said she has never seen anyone miss on life changing opportunities like Grace Khan and the situation she is in at the moment.

Bad Black made this comment following Grace Khan’s unfortunate incident where Pastor Bugingo and Susan Makula chased her out of their home.

Grace Khan started getting serious issues when she got pregnant unexpectedly. It was worse because the father of her child Prince Omar had ignored her.

She turned her stress into drinking alcohol and taking drugs all the time. That ultimately charged her life and the way people see her.

Early this year Susan Makula decided to step up and help Grace Khan with her daughter. She offered her a home and a chance to rehabilitate.

Grace Khan took the offer but few months now she is back on the streets with her daughter and no plans to live.

According to Bad Black, she thinks the problem is witchcraft and specifically from her first boyfriend Kojja Kitonsa.

“Kojja kitosa witched Grace khan…. Olaba olemwa ewa MummY Suzan makula nogyayo nomwana osalewo ogende mu lodge naye just u failed to rehabilitate ur alcoholic ne drugs
Kakomewo,” Bad Black said


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