Devastating incident on November 20, 2023, Monie Jones, a 32-year-old resident of Albany, lost her life in a tragic shooting in the 1100 block of Julia Ave. The Albany Police Department is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding her death.
The authorities responded to reports of a gunshot incident on Julia Avenue, and upon arrival at the scene, discovered Monie Jones in a severely wounded condition. Despite efforts to save her, Jones succumbed to her injuries, leaving the community in shock and mourning.
The Albany Police Department issued a statement, saying, “A 32-year-old woman was discovered with several gunshot wounds, and she passed away from her injuries.” The investigation is currently underway to unravel the details of the incident and identify those responsible for this senseless act of violence.
Neighbors and community members are grappling with the tragic loss, and local law enforcement is urging anyone with information related to the case to come forward and assist in the ongoing investigation.
As the community mourns the untimely death of Monie Jones, the Albany Police Department is dedicated to ensuring justice is served and bringing closure to the grieving family and friends. Further updates on the investigation will be provided as they become available.