Tag: UgandaNews

Kadaga Opposes Tax on Diapers, Calls for Review

The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for East African Community Affairs, Rebecca Kadaga, has strongly criticized the government's tax on diapers, which was...

Kayunga School Shut Down Over Lack Of Beds for Students

Buyobe Church of Uganda Primary School was abruptly closed following discoveries that students were sleeping on improvised beds on the floor. The closure of the...

Prodigal Daughter: Sheila Gashumba Reconciles with Father, Vows to Stop Dating “Fake Guys”

Celebrated socialite Sheila Gashumba has decided to reconcile with her father after a series of public disagreements and questionable choices. Gashumba announced her intentions...

Payback: List of UIA Staff that Shared Out Loan Money

Minister of State Evelyn Anite has demanded the return of 530 million UGX, which was allegedly misappropriated by staff members of the Uganda Investment...

Katikiro Mayiga Urges Luweero to Move Forward from War-Era Grievances

Nearly four decades after the guerrilla war that brought Uganda's current government to power, Luwero residents continue to grapple with its lingering effects. The...

Gender Activists Want Women Paid for Domestic Work

Gender activists in Uganda are pushing for the recognition and support of unpaid caregiving and domestic work, predominantly performed by women and girls. These...