Patricia, known for her role in the viral ‘Sitya Loss’ dance performed by the Ghetto Kids, has captured the attention of social media once again, this time by publicly confirming her relationship with fellow TikTok personality Victor Ruz.
A video circulating online shows the couple cruising in a car, exchanging affectionate gestures and sweet words, culminating in a brief but unmistakable kiss. The intimate moment between Patricia and Victor Ruz has sparked widespread discussion and excitement among fans.
Following the kiss, a visibly smitten Patricia is later seen resting on Victor Ruz’s chest, indicating the depth of their relationship.
This public display of affection solidifies their status as one of the hottest couples in town, drawing attention from fans and followers alike.
Prior to this revelation, Patricia was reportedly planning to relocate to Canada to pursue her artistic and dance career.
Patricia rose to fame after featuring in the Ghetto Kids’ dance performance to Eddy Kenzo’s hit song ‘Sitya Loss’, which quickly became a YouTube sensation, catapulting her into the spotlight. She was a kid by then but has now fully grown into an adult free to date.
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